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Pumpkin Seed Oil Cake

Pumpkin Seed Oil Cake

The benefits of pumpkin seed oil cake were known several centuries ago. Today the product is more and more in demand among connoisseurs of healthy food. As a result of squeezing oil from pumpkin seeds, pumpkin cake is obtained. Since we use the technology of cold pressing with an oak press, all the useful substances remain in the cake. The product is not subject to thermal and chemical processing. 



Vitamins - the record holder for the content of A, E; T, K, C, P, B-complex;      

Micro-, macroelements (more than 50) basic: Zn, Mg, Se, K, Fe, Ca, P, Cu;      

Fatty acids: Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9, amino acid complex.      


Pumpkin seed oil cake - benefits

This product will be an excellent addition to the diet of people with high physical activity, as its content is very protein-rich. The oils remaining after pressing in the cake improve the condition of the skin and hair.

The introduction of pumpkin cake into the diet contributes to:

➢ Prevention of helminthiasis.      

➢ Normalization of the body's water-salt balance.      

➢ Removing toxins.      

➢ Regeneration of the mucous membrane and skin.      

➢ Lowering cholesterol levels.      

➢ Reducing excess weight.      

➢ Increasing potency.      

➢ Improving brain activity, increasing efficiency.      


Pumpkin seed oil cake - how to use

  1. The product is mainly used as an additive to liquid cereals, vitamin cocktails, smoothies.

  2. Often pumpkin pomace is added during the preparation of cutlets in breading, as well as an addition to the dough.

  3. Oilcake is also used in combination with fermented milk products - milk or yogurt. For this, the cake must be infused for several minutes and after it absorbs the milk it is ready for use.

  4. Before using pumpkin cake we recommend that you beat the product with a blender.