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Hemp Oil 100 мл

  • Product Code: 1101
  • Availability: In Stock
550.0 €

Hemp Oil

For many centuries, mankind has been using oils as one of the sources of nutrients and useful substances for the body. We produce a product from fresh hemp seeds by cold pressing, where the temperature does not exceed 40 ° C. This allows us to save all the nutrients. This production method requires significantly more raw materials in terms of quantity than obtaining oil by hot pressing or refining.



  • Vitamins: F, A, vitamins of group B, E, K, D;

  • Micro-, macroelements: Zn, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mg, Mn, K, S;

  • Fatty acids: Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9 and amino acid complex.

Hemp oil - health benefits

  • Medicinal

  1. Regular use of oil is very effective for hemorrhoids, gastritis, ulcers, colic, constipation.

  2. The oil boosts immunity, it is recommended for patients with pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis. 

  3. It is recommended for men and women suffering from diseases of the reproductive system.

  • Cosmetic

  1. The oil restores damaged skin, generally improves its condition, fights flaking, and psoriasis. 

  2. Used to relieve inflammation from skin burns. Recommended as an effective restorative agent for dry and brittle hair. 

  3. The oil is very quickly absorbed into the skin and does not leave greasy marks on the skin, therefore it can be used for skin care on a daily basis, especially in the cold season.

  • Culinary

  1. Hemp oil has a pleasant taste with light nutty notes. 

  2. The use of this product is an integral part of many diets due to its low calorie content and high nutritional value. 

  3. Hemp oil is ideal for salad dressing; it can be added to baked goods, soups, main courses. 

  4. It should be noted that all valuable substances are retained only if the oil is used raw. That is why experts do not recommend frying dishes with hemp oil.

Hemp oil - how to use

  1. As a tonic, you can add it to smoothies, salads and other cold dishes, or take 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach. The product must not be heated.

  2. The oil can be applied to the skin to moisturize and nourish.

  3. Masks based on hemp oil help treat dry and brittle hair

Название на английском:Hemp Oil 100 ml Название на украинском:Олія Конопляна 100 мл
Описание на английском:Hemp Oil For many centuries, mankind has been using oils as one of the sources of nutrients and useful substances for the body. We produce a product from fresh hemp seeds by cold pressing, where the temperature does not exceed 40 ° C. This allows us to save all the nutrients. This production method requires significantly more raw materials in terms of quantity than obtaining oil by hot pressing or refining. Nutrients Vitamins: F, A, vitamins of group B, E, K, D; Micro-, macroelements: Zn, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mg, Mn, K, S; Fatty acids: Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9 and amino acid complex. Hemp oil - health benefits Medicinal Regular use of oil is very effective for hemorrhoids, gastritis, ulcers, colic, constipation. The oil boosts immunity, it is recommended for patients with pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis. It is recommended for men and women suffering from diseases of the reproductive system. Cosmetic The oil restores damaged skin, generally improves its condition, fights flaking Описание на украинском:Олія Конопляна холодного віджиму ●Енергетична цінність на 100 г: 899 ккал. ●Поживна цінність на 100 г: жири 99.9 г ●Вітамінно-мінеральний склад —Вітаміни: F, A, вітаміни групи В, E, K, D; —Мікро-, макроелементи: Zn, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mg, Mn, K, S; —Жирні кислоти: ОMEGA-3, ОMEGA-6, ОMEGA-9 і комплекс амінокислот. ●Користь: —хлорофіл в складі перешкоджає розвитку ракових пухлин. —зміцнює імунітет. —нормалізує роботу серцево-судинної і нервової систем. —підвищує опірність вірусам і бактеріям. —корисно для дихальної системи, суглобів, жовчного міхура. —допомагає при дисгормональних порушеннях. —попереджає старіння. —відновлює еластичність шкіри і волосся. ●Рекомендації щодо застосування: 1 ст. л. 2-3 рази на день за 15-20 хвилин до їжі. Додавати до салатів, каш і інших страв. Для смаження не використовувати! ●Умови зберігання: зберігати в сухому, захищеному від світла місці до 4 місяців з дати виробництва. ●Протипока
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