Pine Nut Oil 250 ml
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Pine Nut Oil 250 ml

  • Product Code: 1203
  • Availability: In Stock
3,780.0 €

Pine Nut Oil

Pine nut oil is a unique product that has no analogues in nature, has no side effects, contraindications. The oil is made from the seeds of Siberian pine, which is often called pine nuts. The oil is obtained by pressing on a vertical press in an oak tub without thermal or chemical treatment. This technology for producing oil requires more materials, but the resulting product retains all nutrients and biologically active substances, as well as taste.


  • Vitamins: record holders for content of E and F, A, D, B-complex;

  • Macro-, microelements: P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Na, Fe, Mn;

  • Fatty Acids: Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9 and Amino Acid Complex.

Pine nut oil - health benefits

  • Culinary

  1. Pine nut oil is frequently used in the preparation of salads, sauces, pâtés, grilled dishes. 

  2. The oil is also used to make various desserts - cakes, cookies, muffins, cream - giving them a great flavor.

  • Medicinal

  1. Pine nut oil is used as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent, it is also used to treat various skin diseases, including those of allergic origin.

  2. It has a beneficial effect on tissue for burns and frostbite.

  3. It is particularly effective in the treatment of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach.

  4. During pregnancy, it improves lactation and increases the fat content of breast milk.

  5. The oil possesses a beneficial effect on men’s health.

  • Cosmetic

  1. Pine nut oil is an indispensable component of many perfumery and cosmetic products. 

  2. It is an excellent care product for dry and chapped skin of the hands, helps with wrinkles and seborrhea. 

  3. The oil improves the appearance of hair, nails and teeth.

Pine nut oil - how to use

  1. To treat digestive diseases, you can dilute pine nut oil with milk and regularly take orally (1 teaspoon before meals).

  2. To treat atherosclerosis take 1 tablespoon 2 times per day before meals.

  3. To relieve  burns and frostbite,use oil applications on damaged skin areas until complete recovery.

  4. For skin diseases (e.g. acne) - regularly apply on problematic areas to reduce inflammation.

Название на английском:Pine Nut Oil 250 ml Название на украинском:Олія Кедрового Горіха 250 мл
Описание на английском:Pine Nut Oil Pine nut oil is a unique product that has no analogues in nature, has no side effects, contraindications. The oil is made from the seeds of Siberian pine, which is often called pine nuts. The oil is obtained by pressing on a vertical press in an oak tub without thermal or chemical treatment. This technology for producing oil requires more materials, but the resulting product retains all nutrients and biologically active substances, as well as taste. Nutrients Vitamins: record holders for content of E and F, A, D, B-complex; Macro-, microelements: P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Na, Fe, Mn; Fatty Acids: Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9 and Amino Acid Complex. Pine nut oil - health benefits Culinary Pine nut oil is frequently used in the preparation of salads, sauces, pâtés, grilled dishes. The oil is also used to make various desserts - cakes, cookies, muffins, cream - giving them a great flavor. Medicinal Pine nut oil is used as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent, it is also used Описание на украинском:Олія Кедрового Горіха холодного віджиму ●Енергетична цінність на 100 г: 900 ккал. ●Поживна цінність на 100 г: жири 99,8 г. ●Вітамінно-мінеральний склад —Вітаміни: рекордсмени за вмістом E і F, A, D, B-complex; —Макро, мікроелементи: P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Na, Fe, Mn; —Жирні кислоти: Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9 і комплекс амінокислот. ●Користь —сприяє виведенню важких металів. —використовується як косметичний засіб для лікування шкірних захворювань. —нормалізує роботу шлунково-кишкового тракту. —усуває алергічні розлади. —корисна для дихальної системи. —підвищує розумову і фізичну працездатність. ●Рекомендації щодо застосування: 1 ст. л. 2-3 рази на день за 15-20 хвилин до їжі. Додавати до салатів, каш і інших страв. Для смаження не використовувати! ●Умови зберігання: зберігати в сухому, захищеному від світла місці до 4 міс. з дати виробництва. ●Протипоказання: підвищена чутливість до компонентів продукту.
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