Cocoa Butter 100 gr
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Cocoa Butter 100 gr

  • Product Code: 1404
  • Availability: In Stock
10.0 €

Cocoa butter

Cocoa butter is an extremely common and versatile product with many healthy properties. Cocoa butter is a fat that is made from cocoa beans without pre-roasting, which makes them softer in taste and retains more health benefits. Next, the beans go through a crushing stage and the cocoa nibs are placed under the press. We produce oil by cold pressing on a vertical press in an oak tub. This technology for producing oil requires more beans, but the resulting product retains all nutrients and biologically active substances, as well as pure natural taste.


  • Vitamins: E, K, A, B, F, C;

  • Micro - and macro elements: Fe, Mg, K, I, Zn, Ca, F;

  • Fatty acids: Omega-9, Omega-6, oleic, stearic, palmitic and lauric acids.

Cocoa butter - health benefits

  • Cosmetic

  1. Tannin, caffeine and methylxanthine contained in the oil have a tonic and healing effect.

  2. The oil is perfectly absorbed without leaving a greasy residue and is suitable for all skin types.

  3. It is an effective remedy for acne and is widely used for treatment of burns.

  4. Regular use of cocoa butter for skin care removes stretch marks and crow's feet near the eyes.

  • Medicinal

  1. The oil is used as a basis for ointments, pain relievers and laxatives.

  2. The monounsaturated oleic acid contained in the oil lowers blood cholesterol levels.

  3. Cocoa butter is often used to treat cough and symptoms of colds - it quickly removes phlegm and is beneficial for the  throat mucus membrane.

  4. Also, the oil effectively copes with the treatment of thrush.

  • Culinary

  1. This oil is most commonly used as a fatty base for the manufacture of chocolate, glaze and creams, making them thicker and flavoury

  2. The product is actively used in baking, as it makes the dough very tender due to its light texture.

Cocoa butter - how to utilize

  1. For coughs and sore throats, take no more than 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day with a glass of hot milk.

  2. To treat atherosclerosis, take half a teaspoon twice a day before meals.

  3. The oil is commonly to moisturize the skin and restore hair. Can be applied on any part of the body: the oil is quickly absorbed and does not make the skin greasy.

Название на английском:Cocoa Butter 100 gr Название на украинском:Масло Какао Бобів 100 г
Описание на английском:Cocoa butter Cocoa butter is an extremely common and versatile product with many healthy properties. Cocoa butter is a fat that is made from cocoa beans without pre-roasting, which makes them softer in taste and retains more health benefits. Next, the beans go through a crushing stage and the cocoa nibs are placed under the press. We produce oil by cold pressing on a vertical press in an oak tub. This technology for producing oil requires more beans, but the resulting product retains all nutrients and biologically active substances, as well as pure natural taste. Nutrients Vitamins: E, K, A, B, F, C; Micro - and macro elements: Fe, Mg, K, I, Zn, Ca, F; Fatty acids: Omega-9, Omega-6, oleic, stearic, palmitic and lauric acids. Cocoa butter - benefits and uses Cosmetic Tannin, caffeine and methylxanthine contained in the oil have a tonic and healing effect. The oil is perfectly absorbed without leaving a greasy residue and is suitable for all skin types. It is an effective remedy for ac Описание на украинском:Масло Какао бобів холодного віджиму ●Енергетична цінність на 100 г: 899 ккал. ●Поживна цінність на 100 г: жири 99,9 г ●Вітамінно-мінеральний склад —Вітаміни: Е, К, A, B, F, C; —Мікро- та макроелементи: Fe, Mg, K, I, Zn, Ca, F; —Жирні кислоти: Omega-9, Omega-6 , олеїнова, стеаринова, пальмітинова і лауриновая кислоти. ●Користь: —покращує пам'ять. —нормалізує обмін речовин. —корисно вживати при застуді та ГРВІ. —знижує ризик розвитку серцево-судинних захворювань. —відновлює еластичність кровоносних судин. —знижує рівень холестерину в крові. —засіб для пом'якшення та зволоження шкіри. —ефективно при подразненнях і опіках. ●Рекомендації щодо застосування: використовується в косметичних цілях для підтримки краси шкіри і волосся, а також як жирова основа для кондитерських виробів. ●Умови зберігання: зберігати при температурі від +2 ℃ до +10 ℃ до 2 років з дати виробництва. ●Протипоказання: підвищена чутливість
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