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Detox Mix for Digestion 500 g

  • Product Code: 2302
  • Availability: In Stock
400.0 €

Detox Mix for Digestion

This product contains all the ingredients that improve digestion, support a healthy microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and help cleanse the body. The detox mixture contains such natural ingredients - linseed oil cake, sesame seed cake, hemp, coconut pulp, walnut, Icelandic moss, caraway seeds, dill seeds and turmeric.


  • Vitamins: A, B-complex, D, E, PP.

  • Micro-, macroelements: K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn.

  • Fatty Acids: Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9.

The product also contains a complex of amino acids, enzymes and carotene.

Ingredients and healthy properties of Detox Mix

  1. Linseed oil cake - daily consumption of flaxseed cake has a beneficial effect on the state of the female body, reproductive and endocrine systems. Doctors recommend introducing the product in the daily diet for the prevention of cancer.

  2. Sesame oil cake - has an optimally balanced composition of essential amino acids. It neutralizes the high acidity of the stomach, has a laxative and anthelmintic effect. The seeds are very effective for diarrhea, ulcers and constipation;

  3. Hemp oil cake - has a bactericidal and antiparasitic effect on the body. Very effective for weight loss, swelling in the stomach gives a feeling of fullness and allows you to control the frequency and volume of food consumed.

  4. Walnut - a dietary product; due to its high protein composition, it normalizes the microflora of the stomach;

  5. Cumin - prevents the development of inflammatory processes, a large number of "plant hormones" have a bactericidal effect, help lower cholesterol levels, and improve the digestion process;

  6. Dill seeds - have a beneficial effect on diseases of the pancreas, bloating;

  7. Turmeric - used to prevent diseases of stomach, gallbladder and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract, has anti-inflammatory effects;

  8. Coconut pulp - improves peristalsis, digestion and intestinal absorption of food;

  9. Icelandic moss - kills pathogenic flora, improves appetite, is used as a medicinal product for stomach and duodenal ulcers.

When and how to take the detox blend?

It is necessary to take a detox mixture:

  • if the intestinal microflora is disturbed;

  • to protect the body from the onset and development of diabetes;

  • for the complete assimilation of food;

  • to remove harmful substances from the digestive tract;

  • in case of diseases of the intestinal tract;

  • to combat parasites.

The mixture goes well with smoothies, soups, cereals, salads. It should be added in 2-3 tbsp. spoons into a ready-made dish. It can also be used separately from food by stirring the mixture with water.

Название на английском:Detox Mix for Digestion 500 g Название на украинском:Детокс-суміш №2 для ШКТ 500 г
Описание на английском:Detox Mix for Digestion This product contains all the ingredients that improve digestion, support a healthy microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and help cleanse the body. The detox mixture contains such natural ingredients - sesame seed cake, hemp, coconut pulp, walnut, Icelandic moss, caraway seeds, dill seeds and turmeric. Nutrients Vitamins: A, B-complex, D, E, PP. Micro-, macroelements: K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn. Fatty Acids: Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9. The product also contains a complex of amino acids, enzymes and carotene. Ingredients and healthy properties of Detox Mix Sesame oil cake - has an optimally balanced composition of essential amino acids. It neutralizes the high acidity of the stomach, has a laxative and anthelmintic effect. The seeds are very effective for diarrhea, ulcers and constipation; Hemp oil cake - has a bactericidal and antiparasitic effect on the body. Very effective for weight loss, swelling in the stomach gives a feeling of fullness and allows you to Описание на украинском:Детокс-суміш для ШКТ ●Склад: макуха насіння кунжуту, коноплі, кокосової м'якоті, волоського горіха, ісландський мох, кмин, насіння кропу і куркума. ●Енергетична цінність на 100 г: 316,3 ккал. ●Харчова цінність на 100 г: білки - 27 г, жири - 16 г, вуглеводи - 18 г ●Вітамінно-мінеральний склад —Вітаміни: А, B-комплекс, D, E, PP. —Мікро-, макроелементи: К, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn. —Жирні кислоти: Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9. —Також в продукті містяться комплекс амінокислот, ферменти і каротин. ●Користь: —допомагає в боротьбі з кишковими паразитами. —виводить токсини і шлаки. —нормалізує обмін речовин. —нормалізує роботу серцево-судинної системи. —захищає від виникнення і розвитку діабету, —знижує рівень холестерину. —зменшує ймовірність утворення тромбів. —покращує стан імунної системи. —сприяє зниженню ваги тіла. —захищає від стресу і підвищує працездатність. ●Рекомендації щодо застосування: додавати п
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